Looking for a reliable translation project management service? Smartcat Marketplace has the largest marketplace of professional linguists, including certified project managers who can help you manage your projects with ease
Translation project manager
from Niterói
Hey, there! My name’s Nox and I’m a native level speaker in both English and Portuguese. I’ve worked for 4 years for the translation company I’m currently at. I specialise in both Eng-Port and Port-Eng pairs, and, as a poet, I can transcreate to meet whatever linguistic needs my clients have. Although I'm fairly new to the Smartcat self advertisement, and some things are still missing from my profile, rest assured I'm more than capable and proficient in both English and Portuguese, as I'm very attentive to details. With my previous experience and expertise, I believe I can hit the ground running and start actively contributing to your business as soon as possible. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss my application further.
Translation project manager
from Tel Aviv
Anyone doing business internationally is familiar with the tremendous challenge involved in dealing with unfamiliar languages, values and business culture. Lichi Translations not only handles translation but can also connect you to the right people and help you, in a multitude of ways, in the business process itself. Our wide range of services includes: * Written translation * Interpretation * Localization and QA * Graphic design and layout * Transcription and Subtitles
Translation project manager
from Dallas
I´m a certified ESL and TEFL teacher. I specialize in translation of various areas – Finance, Legal, Engineering, Business, Marketing, Healthcare, IT, Hardware, Electronics, Politics, Travel, Tourism, and Education. Also video transcription and translation. Every project I accept, I treat it with the highest level of responsibility.
Translation project manager
Im a native speaking norwegian translator. Invite me and Ill accept within two hours and translate your documents within 48 hours. Im available for both small and bigger projects. I promise you a translation with high quality. Ive studied journalism and work part time as a freelancer. Easygoing, reliable, dedicated to deadlines and good quality. Looking forward to cooperate:)
Translation project manager
from Paris
Highly accurate, meticulous, with excellent research skills, I provide quality translations and neat proofreading services to reputable individuals and organisations.
Translation project manager
from Vina del mar
Multilingual DTP | File preparation for translation | Layout & Typesetting | Document Recreations | Alignments & TMs
Translation project manager
from Port Jefferson, New York
technical / medical translator
Elite Asia provides communication services such as written TRANSLATION, transcription and interpretation in several major Asian languages. Based in Singapore, the company comprises representative offices, language partners and translators in major Asia Pacific cities. It is our goal to help you develop an established presence in the Asian community while retaining the image and voice that keeps your business distinctive.
Translation project manager
from Littleton
We are a team of professional Vietnamese translators based in Colorado. We have over 14 years of experience and over 10,000 projects completed satisfactorily. We are experts in Healthcare, Education, and Legal translation, and highly competent in many more topics such as insurance.
Topperevod is a yang team of professionals which is always ready to help you and your business in the sphere of translations. We work on the territory of Ukraine, Russia, and Kazakhstan. Our main specialization is technical and legal translations. We can choose the right word, because language is the thing we work every day with.
Founded in 2005, our close-knit team of 17 in-house staff, in Patras and Athens, aided by more than 200 affiliated translators all over the world, provides translation and editing services in over 110 language combinations to a global clientele.
Translation project manager
from Cotonou
I'm a bilingual English/French, multi-skilled down to earth person, reliable & talented translator with a proven ability to translate written documents from a source language to a target language with a wide experience in editing, proofreading, subtitling and transcription services. I have more than 4 years of experience in Communication & Marketing and over 10 years of experience as a Freelance Translator/Interpreter and proofreader. I have worked on several projects for renowned organizations such as Humedica, Mercy Ships, MTN and National Geographic. I am passionate about the English language and translation. In 2008, while I was sophomore, I was nominated for the Best English Speaker award of my University and received books with the congratulations of the US Embassy of Benin. I am here to offer my experience in creating and translating all kinds of contents.
由于智能过滤,Smartcat 自动提供最佳匹配。
搜索翻译管理服务不必是工作密集型、繁琐的管理工作,也不需要您克服重重困难。即使没有很少的翻译管理或人力资源知识,Smartcat Marketplace 也可以通过我们拥有 500,000 多名经过审查的翻译项目经理和 AI 匹配的人才库,使招聘变得更加容易。
Smartcat 独特且专有的 AI 根据对您的内容和翻译项目经理类别知识、过去的表现和质量的分析,自动识别主题专家翻译项目经理。
无论内容量增加多少,您都不必牺牲质量。Smartcat 结合了经过市场审查的语言专家和 AI 算法,以创建协作、自适应的工作流程和学习循环。
您是否需要聘请专业的翻译项目经理,但预算固定?借助 Smartcat,翻译项目经理可以提供透明且具有竞争力的价格。此外,选择 Smartcat AI 自动翻译的译后编辑服务,可将成本降低高达 80%。
Smartcat 不仅经过 100% 加密、数据安全和 SOC III 认证,通过从我们的市场聘请翻译项目经理,您可以控制谁能看到您的内容。翻译项目经理无法通过电子邮件直接联系您或访问您的内部系统——为了您的安全,工作 100% 仅限于我们的平台。
寻找翻译项目经理只是成功的一半。Smartcat 兼作统一的采购平台,这意味着您可以将管理上的麻烦交给我们。您只需要一份协议和一张发票即可向所有供应商付款,只需点击一下即可启动。
与 30 多种第三方软件和工具的开箱即用集成
Smartcat 支持 50 多种文件类型,包括 PDF、DOC、幻灯片等,只要有新文件可用或应客户要求,我们就会将其添加到此列表中——我们的工作是让您的生活更轻松,而这始于广泛的文件支持!
专业的翻译项目经理通常专注于一项专业,以确保他们是特定主题的专家。营销翻译项目经理擅长翻译文案、创译和调整关键信息,以吸引潜在客户的特定区域。B2B 营销翻译项目经理的需求量很大,他们可以帮助您的公司获得推动业务发展的营销线索。
医学翻译管理是一门需要格外小心和谨慎的专业,因为它涉及到人们的健康,而且往往是生死攸关的问题。错误的翻译管理可能导致引入错误的药物或完成错误的手术。这不是开玩笑的事。这就是为什么只与拥有正确的药物翻译管理证书和经验的翻译项目经理合作很重要。您可以在 Smartcat 市场中找到医学翻译项目经理。
是的,Smartcat Marketplace 上有经过认证的翻译项目经理。查看翻译项目经理简介,了解更多关于他们的教育背景和专业知识的信息。
Smartcat 市场比大多数市场都更加用户友好。复杂的。具有过时的 UI 和复杂流程的翻译项目经理平台。我们的 Marketplace 提供出色的用户体验,专注于易用性、质量和速度。
Smartcat Marketplace 使用 AI 采购来根据您的特定需求为您找到翻译项目经理。AI 分析您的内容,并为您提供经过审查的语言专家。此人可以与 AI 翻译协作以提高速度、输出和质量。
最后,得益于我们统一的采购平台,我们会为您处理所有文书工作。您签署一份协议并使用一张发票向所有供应商和翻译项目经理付款。Smartcat 完成剩下的工作。
Smartcat AI 结合了机器翻译管理和一层人工编辑。AI 使用算法、翻译管理记忆库、词汇表等,即时生成高质量的翻译。经过审查的翻译项目经理完成后期编辑以检查和批准翻译。
Smartcat 以业内最优惠的价格提供自动化和人工文档翻译管理服务。您购买 Smartwords,它支付 Smartcat 必须提供的所有自动化费用。查看我们的订阅页面以查看不同的定价点。
Smartcat Marketplace 拥有翻译项目经理,他们提供 250 多种语言的翻译管理和本地化服务。当然,我们的翻译管理平台和协同TMS(翻译管理系统)支持所有相同的语言。
Smartcat 为所有注册用户提供一些免费的 Smartwords,您可以使用它们来访问自动翻译管理和其他 Smartcat 功能。这些旨在让您发现产品的全部潜力。但是,您无法使用 Smartwords 支付人工翻译管理服务的费用。
1) 填写您的客户资料,等待客户选择。你包含的细节越多越好。
2) 检查您的语言对是否有被请求的工作。成为第一个回复以获得任务的更好机会。