Looking for professional notarized translation services? Look no further than Smartcat Marketplace - the largest marketplace of professional linguists in the world (500,000+). Connect with top-tier translators who specialize in notarized document translation services, ensuring subject matter accuracy and quality for all your legal documents.
Notarized translation specialist
from Hanoi
I am a former journalist and marketing content writer from Austria, native in German and near-native in English and Swedish. I have 9 years’ experience in translating, writing, editing, and product reviewing. My specializations are IT and engineering as well as marketing and financial content. However, I want to work more in various fields in order to learn more. I'm fast in response and delivery with quality. So I believe that you will have good experience when working with me.
Notarized translation specialist
from Bangalore city
Hello, My name is Arnaud and I'm a Native French Translator/Reviewer (French to English and vice versa) with 9 years of experience. I have an extensive experience in various domains like IT, Electrical and Mechanical engineering, accounting, medical instruments, legal and private documents, HTML, etc. I have worked with several companies like Wipro Technologies, RNTBCI (Renault Nissan Technologies Center India), Amplexor (where I currently work) and a lot of small translation companies. I always deliver on time and I always review my work before delivering it. I translate 2500 words per day and I’m available from Monday to Friday every week (sometimes in the weekend as well on request). I’m willing to translate a sample for free. Hoping to work with you soon,, Cordially, Arnaud
Notarized translation specialist
from 厦门
Master Translation Services (MTS) is a professional provider of technical and document translation, software localization, interpretation, multilingual DTP(Desktop Publishing) , website localization, and multimedia localization. Founded in 2000, As one of the fast-growing language services companies in the world, MTS now has an in-house team of over 100 professional linguists, 10 project managers,10 account managers and a number of programmers and DTP specialists, with office in Xiamen, Shangha
Notarized translation specialist
from Hanoi
We offer a wide range of localization services including: software localization, website localization, game localization, voice over, subtitling, etc.
Notarized translation specialist
from Hue
Notarized translation specialist
from Hong Kong
We are here to expand your businesses, whether they may relate to E-commerce, entertainment, sightseeing, investment, healthcare, IT, or any other industries. As long as they are about breaking language barriers, facilitating communication, reaching out to more customers in Japan, we are here to support you. Our native Japanese speakers have professional experiences in English speaking countries and Japan, having learned what are crucial for translating/localizing foreign languages to Japanese.
Notarized translation specialist
from Istanbul
El Turco is a new-generation language services provider with a focus on people and technology. The team at El Turco consists of highly experienced project managers and a select group of linguists who are subject matter experts in the fields of IT, life sciences, heavy machinery/automotive and marketing fields. While the company leverages of the cutting-edge technologies for efficient translation & management, it relies on the power of the focus on the languages the team is native.
Notarized translation specialist
from Bratislava
I am a passionate translator who has more than 6 years of experience in translating into Slovak and Czech. Over the years, I have worked with many agencies and clients, thanks to which I have developed the ability to translate any document with any topic. I focus on professional communication, quality results and on-time delivery.
Notarized translation specialist
from Gharghur
In 2007 I completed a BA in Maltese and Linguistics, in 2008 I completed a Post-Graduate Diploma in Translation Studies. I slowly slowly started working as freelance translator and have, over the past years, translated and revised many different types of texts. I find translation work to be very interesting as it introduces you to many different topics and sometimes it takes you on adventures. I am currently also following a Certificate in Maltese Proof-Reading.
Notarized translation specialist
from Fuzhou
I'm a native Chinese speaker and an enthusiastic translator with solid English-Chinese translation, proofreading, and writing skills. I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature and have been pursuing a career in international business for years. Compared to other translators, I have abundant experience and specialized skills in mobile app, game, software and website localization. * 10+ years of translation experience in: apps & games, software, websites, blog articles, novels, videos, official documents, marketing materials, etc. * Strong knowledge and skills in: App Store Optimization (ASO), IT, education, travel, social media, Internet, marketing, etc. * Languages: English, Simplified Chinese (Mandarin), Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong and Taiwan).
Notarized translation specialist
from Maastricht-Airport
Ecrivus International is a translation and interpreting agency for all languages. Our team of professionals will happily help you to deal with any language issue. We can offer you language and translations services in any language – from interpreting services to translations of any document – including websites, manuals, e-mails, letters, books and magazines. The client is our first priority and a great number of positive testimonials can prove this.
Freelance translator/editor 2010 – currently Localization of website and app UIs, games, help articles, legal and marketing materials Translation/editing of handbooks and project documents on the topics of human rights, violence against women and children, gender equality, IDPs, judiciary, laws and regulations, etc. Editor of English abstracts and articles at Proceedings of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. Medical Sciences journal 2018 – currently https://mspsss.org.ua/index.php/journal/issue/view/41/21 Team Lead LQA Reviewer January 2019 – currently External LQAs for one of major global IT companies; handling arbitrations; holding Quality calls with vendors to discuss recent arbitrations and TM/TD/SG updates; preparing call agenda; making requests for TM/TD/SG updates SKILLS Excellent command of the Ukrainian language; advanced level of English; keeping up-to-date with modern linguistic resources, dictionaries, rules; strict observance of relevant glossaries and style guides...
由于智能过滤,Smartcat 自动提供最佳匹配。
搜索经过公证的翻译服务不必是工作密集型、繁琐的管理工作,也不需要您克服重重困难。即使没有一点公证翻译或人力资源知识,Smartcat Marketplace 也可以通过我们拥有 500,000 多名经过审查的翻译人员和 AI 匹配的人才库,使招聘变得更加容易。
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Smartcat 支持 50 多种文件类型,包括 PDF、DOC、幻灯片等,只要有新文件可用或应客户要求,我们就会将其添加到此列表中——我们的工作是让您的生活更轻松,而这始于广泛的文件支持!
专业翻译人员通常专注于一项专业,以确保他们是特定主题的专家。营销翻译人员擅长翻译文案、创译和改编关键信息,以吸引潜在客户的特定区域。B2B 营销翻译人员需求量很大,可以帮助您的公司获得推动业务发展的营销线索。
医学公证翻译是一项需要格外小心和谨慎的专业,因为它涉及到人们的健康,而且往往是生死攸关的问题。错误的公证翻译可能会导致错误的药物使用或错误的手术完成。这不是开玩笑的事。这就是为什么只与拥有正确的药物公证翻译证书和经验的译员合作很重要。您可以在 Smartcat 市场中找到医学翻译。
是的,Smartcat 市场上有经过认证的翻译人员。查看翻译人员的个人资料,了解更多有关他们的教育和专业知识的信息。
Smartcat 市场比大多数市场都更加用户友好。复杂的。具有过时 UI 和复杂流程的翻译平台。我们的 Marketplace 提供出色的用户体验,专注于易用性、质量和速度。
Smartcat Marketplace 使用 AI 采购来根据您的特定需求为您找到翻译。AI 分析您的内容,并为您提供经过审查的语言专家。此人可以与 AI 翻译协作以提高速度、输出和质量。
最后,得益于我们统一的采购平台,我们会为您处理所有文书工作。您签署一份协议并使用一张发票向所有供应商和翻译人员付款。Smartcat 完成剩下的工作。
Smartcat AI 结合了机器公证翻译和一层人工编辑。AI 使用算法、经过公证的翻译记忆库、词汇表等,即时生成高质量的翻译。经过审查的翻译人员完成后期编辑以检查和批准翻译。
Smartcat 以业内最优惠的价格提供自动化和人工文档公证翻译服务。您购买 Smartwords,它支付 Smartcat 必须提供的所有自动化费用。查看我们的订阅页面以查看不同的定价点。
Smartcat Marketplace 拥有翻译人员,可提供 250 多种语言的公证翻译和本地化服务。当然,我们的公证翻译平台和协作式 TMS(公证翻译管理系统)支持所有相同的语言。
Smartcat 为所有注册用户提供一些免费的 Smartwords,您可以使用它们来访问自动公证翻译和其他 Smartcat 功能。这些旨在让您发现产品的全部潜力。但是,您不能使用 Smartwords 支付经过人工公证的翻译服务。
1) 填写您的客户资料,等待客户选择。你包含的细节越多越好。
2) 检查您的语言对是否有被请求的工作。成为第一个回复以获得任务的更好机会。